Verkehrsbüro Group: Positive results chime with 100 year anniversary

Verkehrsbüro Group positive Bilanz 2018

100 years old and still going strong: in 2017 we celebrated our centenary – as well as a highly successful financial year.

As Austria´s leading tourism company, the Verkehrsbüro Group reported revenue gains in all three of its businesses. In the Business Tourism segment we benefited from being a full-service provider and reaped the rewards of our internal restructuring process. An upturn in the economy and increased demand for travel gave our colleagues working in Leisure Tourism at Ruefa and Eurotours plenty to smile about. Investment activity and a trend towards city breaks are bolstering results in the hotel segment and fuelling new concepts for additional growth. Palais Events & Café Central in Vienna are booming!

Based on Group sales of EUR 951.1m (up 9.3% year on year), pretax profits (EBT) amounted to EUR 20.2m (up 30.9%) and consolidated profit for the year advanced to EUR 15.2m (up 24.0%). With developments in 2018 shaped by digitalisation, growth and a quality offensive, this year is already looking equally promising.